
C2C Training Ride - Done

What an amazing warm-up for LEJOG!

We’ve tested everything - our bikes, our clothes, our waterproofing, our legs, our maintenance skills (definitely need improving) and our sense of humour (still intact!)

Currently on the train on the way home, desperate for a celebratory drink but there is no catering! It will have to wait a bit longer.

Thank you for all your support over the last few days, and thank you so much for all your donations. Next stop - Lands End!


Day 3 - Coast to Coast

April 19th 2024

98km today and that’s a C2C wrap! Currently on a train heading home wondering if the refreshments trolley is going to bring celebratory beer.

We were looked after brilliantly at Allenheads Inn by Ann and Phil. Bit of a hill out of the village before being met by a celebratory cairn at the top as we entered County Durham. Rewarded with an amazing long downhill for several km.

We then decided to take the off road option to add a bit of spice which was a steep slog up loose scree requiring some pushing. Utterly beautiful if desolate. Then we went more off piste across the moor where I managed to step into a sizeable bog. Dry feet are overrated anyway.

We were having a ball and making good time on some lovely traffic-free paths towards Newcastle when my bike started making some odd noises...


Day 3 - Cont'd

April 19th 2024

 Turns out one brake disc had gone AWOL, and the other was tentatively balanced in and fell off when we turned the bike over to pretend we knew what we were looking for.

After well over a 100 miles with no other cyclists, about 8 club cyclists just happened to pop up behind us and sprung into action, declaring it a ‘proper issue’ and escorting us to The Hub in Newcastle with strict instructions not to use the rear brake.

We were regaled with little-known facts of the area from these lovely, knowledgeable men. Geordies are now my favourites.

New pads and a wonky hub fixed in a jiffy, a panini scoffed and off we went to Tynemouth. Obligatory photo done and we turned tail to do the 10 miles back to Newcastle to catch the train home. C2C done. Bring on LEJOG!


Day 2 - C2C Training Ride

April 18th 2024

Today was about 10km shorter than yesterday but 400m or so higher, accompanied by howling wind and incessant rain from 10am.

We enjoyed seeing Long Meg and her 68 daughters in their Druid circle but things got a bit tough after that. A relentless 7km climb up to Hartside Pass followed by a couple more sizeable hills.

Sadly all local pubs and cafés had closed for the next umpteen miles although a lovely lady in the Nenthead village shop took pity on two bedraggled rats and made us a cup of tea.


Day 2 - C2C Training Ride

April 18th 2024

Low point was accidentally taking the boulder-strewn off route C2C path at one point which resulted in hike a bike over a kilometre up the massive hill. From there, though it was almost plain sailing to the lovely Allenheads Inn.

Our clothes are currently drying in the middle of the bar in front of the fire while locals enjoy a pint. We’re now tucked up in bed after excellent lasagne.

More mileage tomorrow to Tynemouth but after a couple of early steep hills, it should be faster with lots of downhill. If we don’t get lost.


Day 1 - Coast to Coast

April 17th 2024

From Workington Lighthouse at the start of the Coast to Coast to our first stop and a well earned pint next to a roaring fire.

There were some big hills!


Training Run - Coast to Coast

April 12th 2024

It's only 4 weeks to go until we set off from Land's End on our epic long distance cycle ride from the farthest corner of the country up to its tippity-top.

We've been training hard and we're doing our last distance training ride this coming weekend when we'll be cycling the breadth of the UK from West to East, finishing in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on the much loved C2C ride.

We'll share daily updates of that training ride to test out the country's WiFi and find out which bits of info you're most interested in!


Let's Do This Together

We know how lucky we are to be able to take on this challenge and yes, we rather hope that we'll enjoy it but we do not take it on lightly and we will need your support and encouragement every step of the way.

We've chosen two charities which offer their support and encouragement to vulnerable people in our local area, Stoke-on-Trent. They give hope during the toughest times.


Please Give Generously

Please show your support for our ambitious endeavour by donating generously.

Hit the donate button and you'll be redirected to our Go Fund Me page. We'll split whatever we raise equally between our chosen charities.

We appreciate every penny you can spare. Your donations and your warm wishes will spur us on through those inevitably less 'fun' moments ahead.

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